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Sample Work

My Greatest Hits of RCL

TV Screens

Bringing Sexy Back (On TV)

A TED Talk I delivered in which I discussed the changes over times in terms of how much sexual content can be shown on television. I talked about how social movements have affected people's thoughts about what is considered "indecent," and how these changes in attitude are reflected in television shows.

Family Dispute

Child Abuse: Bringing Awareness to the Unseen

A rhetorical analysis essay in which I examined two artifacts - both advertisements advocating against child abuse. I compare and contrast the persuasive tactics used by both artifacts to grab the attention of the audience and make emotional appeals.

 Scales of Justice

Political Correctness

A multimedia project examining the history of a public controversy. My group and I researched the history of "political correctness" and created this video to display what we found in terms of its evolution over time.

Sample Work: Work
Yellow Softball

I Believe in Being Able to Laugh at Myself

A "This I Believe" podcast during which I talk about one of the biggest life lessons I've learned - that I can't take life too seriously all the time or I won't enjoy it. I recount one of my most embarrassing moments - my seventh grade softball career - and how something that seemed so humiliating at the time ended up teaching me a lot.

Three Big Puppies

Don't Buy that Doggy in the Window

A persuasive essay about taking action against puppy mills and unethical breeders. I discuss the hazards of the mills and the extremely harsh treatment that some of the dogs face, as well as the fact that there are plenty of adoptable dogs currently at risk of euthanasia in shelters.

Laptop and Diary Topview

Passion Blog: Writing

A series of blog posts expressing my love and passion for all different forms of writing. Because each post essentially relates to one another, I couldn't just choose a sampling but in the link below you can find an archive of all passion posts separate from the rest of my blog.

Sample Work: Work
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